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14 Safety Tips For International Travel

There’s always one story or another about someone or groups of people taking advantage of travelers. This could range from reckless purse snatchers, identity thieves to very vicious criminals like kidnappers, rapists, and sex traffickers. Based on this, we have compiled some safety tips for international travel to keep you safe from banditry and criminals.



Traveling internationally is a great adventure that everyone would love to experience, just a few things are more exciting than traveling abroad. Whether it’s for work or vacation, traveling outside your country of residence offers you the opportunity to experience all the beautiful cultures around the world. However, you should always keep in mind all the safety tips for international travel.

Most people are cautious of traveling internationally, fearing that it is dangerous. We can assure you that traveling around the world is very safe and adventurous. You should try it! Whether as an avid or solo traveler, there are numerous safety tips you should learn and practice to achieve a memorable and exciting trip.

In this article, we will take you through 14 safety tips for international travel, while having a great trip. Let’s get started!

1. Don’t Wear Loud Jewelry

Wearing flashy and very expensive jewelry can make the wrong people notice you thereby making you an obvious target for robbery. You should leave all your loud jewelry at home, especially if you plan to travel to a much-crowded area.

2. Drink Responsibly

This has to be one of the most important safety tips for international travel. Numerous people love to explore the local nightlife while traveling, which is cool. However, always remember that it’s more important than ever to drink responsibly when you’re in a foreign destination.

While on a foreign trip, you’re more likely to miss your way or end up in a dangerous neighborhood. Moreover, being drunk will make you an easy target for thieves, sexual harassment, or even worse. Additionally, ladies should never forget the golden rule of safe drinking in public, always keep an eye on your drink.

3. Be Smart About Your Money

Most travel safety information will tell you that going about with huge amounts of cash is never a good idea. Rather, open a bank account with an international bank or credit card company to use local ATMs. Furthermore, if you must withdraw large amounts of cash at once, leave the bulk of it locked up in your hotel room and carry just what you’ll need for that moment.

When using ATMs, ensure that you use the ones in a banking space as they are less likely to have been tampered with by scammers. Additionally, never keep all of your money in one place, you can split your cash and credit cards in two or three different places. This way even if one of your stashes is stolen, you won’t be left stranded.

4. Be Aware Of Popular Scams

Always delve into your travel destination to have an idea of what the local scammers are up to. Scams may range from RFID scanners to plans of using children to beg for your help or money. You may not fall for these scams since you already have an idea about them ahead of time.


5. Memorize Phone Number For Emergency Services

It’s always advisable to look up the emergency services number for your travel destination before embarking on your trip. Also, it’s a perfect idea to search and save the number for your country’s nearest embassy before you leave. You may decide to write them down or save them on your phone. 

6. Use The Right Bag

Invest in cross-body bags as they are safer than shoulder or handbags and can prevent people from grabbing them as they run or drive by. Meanwhile, there are various nice bags made specifically for travelers with features like slash-proof straps, RFID blockers, and locking zippers.

7. Bring Travel Locks And Use Them

Ensure you travel with different types of safe locks if you plan to stay in a hotel or hostel. Even if you won’t be staying in any of the two, having a travel lock that can secure your bags will keep your mind at rest. Furthermore, you may decide to lock your bag to your seat or chair while dining or in transit to help secure your valuables from theft.

8. Always Keep Digital Copies Of Your Important Documents

Your passport is probably the most important document you’ll carry when traveling. Therefore, if your passport happens to be stolen and you have a digital copy, it’ll make the process of getting a replacement easier.

9. Try To Blend In

As a tourist, you shouldn’t carry large amounts of cash and valuables so you won’t be vulnerable to scams. We recommend that you try to avoid looking like a tourist. Meanwhile, you can dress like the locals do, and don’t just stop in the middle of busy streets to take photos.

In a case where you miss your way, try not to make it obvious. If you must ask for directions or consult a map, step inside a shop or cafe to do so quietly.

10. Use Reputable Transport Companies

One of the safety tips for international travel is to make inquiries about the most reputable taxi companies before your trip. However, if you’ll be ride-sharing using an app like Uber or Lyft, ensure you are alert and double-check your driver’s vehicle information. Also, confirm their name before you get in the car with them.

11. Always Check In With Friends And Family 

Before you embark on your trip, try to inform your family about your itinerary and update them if any plan changes. You must check in with a close friend or family member back home at the end of each day.

Although it may seem like stress, ultimately it’s better to be safe than sorry. In case any issue or dangerous situation arises, you’ll get help faster since someone knows where you were supposed to be that day.

12. Be Conscious Of Your Environment

You’ll need to always pay attention to what’s going on around you when you travel, especially if it’s solo travel. Whether you are in a crowded tourist spot or walking down an empty street, always be alert. Thugs and criminals always target people who are distracted or disengaged from their surroundings. This is particularly important for solo female travelers!

13. Trust Your Instincts

If you feel some type of way around someone or someplace is making you uncomfortable, surely there’s a reason. Oftentimes, our subconscious mind picks up on things that we are not conscious about which is why you should always trust your gut feelings. Take those feelings seriously, they will help you stay safe.

14. Keep Items To Your Front

Last on our list of safety tips for international travel is to never keep your items away from your direct eye contact. Although you might be tempted to hang your purse on the back of your chair on the sidewalk. Or probably set your bags down at your feet.

This is not ideal due to your focus and attention shifting from your purse or bags to the new sights around you. Additionally, always keep your bags in your lap or at the front of your feet under the table.


We sincerely hope this list of safety tips for international travel doesn’t discourage you from traveling abroad. Instead, we believe it will encourage you to take that trip and explore the world. Moreover, traveling around the world is so adventurous and it doesn’t have to be dangerous.



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